chevron_rightI noticed a lamppost light is out on the street, who do I contact?
Please send e-mail to the Neighborhood Watch Committee, please include the location of the lamppost light.You can also notify Duke Energy directly; street light outages can be reported to Duke in three ways:1. Online2. By Phone: 1.800.777.9898
chevron_rightWhat do I do if a street light is out?
Please send e-mail to the Neighborhood Watch Committee, please include the location of the lamppost light.You can also notify Duke Energy directly; street light outages can be reported to Duke in three ways:1. Online2. By Phone: 1.800.777.98983. By Email Via Online Contact Us Form
chevron_rightDo landscaping changes require a Modifications approval?
Depending on the magnitude of the changes, most likely. A good rule of thumb is that if you are going to make changes, submit a modifications application to the modifications committee and get their approval. The Design Guidelines and application can be found here.
chevron_rightIf I want to add a fence or a shed, what do I need to do?
You should review the Modifications Design Guidelines and follow the instructions outlined on the last page which provides an application for exterior modifications.*** Modification Requests are reviewed during the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors. Please be sure to include an evening phone number and any supporting documentation with your request. Applications received without a phone number will be returned and may cause significant delay in its consideration. ***
New Resident
chevron_rightWhat do I do if I am a new resident?
First register on the Planters Walk web site. There you will find a wealth of information about Planters Walk and the surrounding area. You should also consider joining the Planters Walk Facebook Group.
chevron_rightIs there a Leash Law in our community?
All dogs in Planters Walk must be kept on a leash while walking thru the neighborhood. We have had a few incidents reported to the HOA about dogs chasing people while jogging and walking their own dogs. This is not only a violation of Planters Walk rules, but also the City of Charlotte. Please be considerate of your neighbors and keep your dogs on a leash.If you encounter a dog that is not on a leash, please call 311 and report it to Animal Control. If you know where the owner of the dog lives, send Melanie Morgan @ Hawthorne a violation report thru our web site.
chevron_rightWho should I contact if my neighbor's dog constantly barks and I want to complain?
Please call 311 and report the issue. Also, contact Hawthorn Management, and make them aware of your complaint.
chevron_rightI need my trashcan replaced, who do I contact?
Please contact 311.
chevron_rightIs there a recycling center close by?
Yes, there's one located at 8440 Byrum Road. Details are available here.Hours of Operation:Monday - Friday; 7am - 5pmSaturday; 7am - 4pm
Violation Notices
chevron_rightHow do I report a violation such as someone not cutting their grass or taking care of their property?
Anytime you see a violation in the neighborhood, don't hesitate to send a violation report thru our web site. Just click on Management, then Report a Violation.
Walking Trails
chevron_rightIs there a map of the walking trails in the community?
You can find a map of the walking trails, by clicking here.