Planters Walk Waves Swim Team

Welcome to the home of the Planters Walk Waves Swim Team.
Swim Team is open for all PW residents (and their sponsored non-resident families),
ages 4-18, who are able to swim one length of the pool (any way, any how) without the assistance.
** Swim Team is NOT swim lessons.
** use discount code LOVE2SWIM on 2/14 only to save $25 per swimmer on your 2025 registration **
* All 'new to the team' swimmers receive a $15 registration discount. Use discount code NEWWAVE25*
2025 Season Volunteer Sign Ups - All families are required to volunteer a minimum of 2 times per registered swimmer on the Waves Swim Team each season.
The Planters Walk Waves swim team uses three lanes of the pool to host practices from 5-9pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays throughout the season. Practices will also be held on Saturday mornings (all six lanes) from 7:30-10am when a swim meet is not on the schedule for the same morning. Swimmers will be divided into practice sessions based on age and ability.
SWIM MEETS: are administered by Just Swim Charlotte. Planters Walk competes in the Just Swim Charlotte swim league, against other SW Charlotte area teams. Swim Meets will be held on Saturday & Sunday mornings from 6:30-10am. For the full league meet schedule, CLICK HERE.
- Meet Programs and Meet Results for each swim meet this season.
- Bring your own program to follow along; copies will not be handed out during meets.
- Intrasquad Meet - May 31st at 7:30am
- Open 2/14/2025 through 5/18/2025. Register by 3/31 before prices go up.
- Participating families must be in good financial standing with Hawthorne Management and the HOA
- Non-residents must have a current season swim team family as their sponsor
- All swimmers registered by 3/31 will receive a custom PW swim cap with the swimmer's last name
- Registrations between 4/1 and 5/18 will receive a PW swim cap
- A current email account is required for registration as all team communication - including meet RSVP - will come to the email address used during the registration process
- Meet RSVP can only be sent to the primary email account used for registration per the event software utilized by the team/league
- Every registered swimmer will receive a 2025 team shirt with completed registration. Shirt sizes are ordered based on selection during registration. No exchanges for sizes incorrectly chosen.
Don't let financial needs stop you from swim team. Payment plans available upon request on an as-needed basis. For financial need based questions, please EMAIL for a confidential conversation. Team registration fees must be paid in full by 5/18/2025 for participation on this summer's team.
REQUIRED LIABILITY FORMS: A signed copy of each form must be on file for each swimmer prior to participation in any swim team event.
- Safety Code of Conduct - 'safe return to swimming' Code of Conduct for all swimmers
- Release of Liability - annual team liability form
- Non-Resident/Sponsor Waiver Form - ALL non-resident families & their sponsor family
TEAM AGE GROUPS: A participant's "swim-age" is based on their age on April 1, 2025.
- Assisted, 6U, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-18
- All 10 and under swimmers compete in 25m events during meets - one length of the pool
- All 11 and over swimmers compete in 50m events during meets - two lengths of the pool
Assisted (Parent-Led) Swimmers: THIS GROUP IS NOT SWIM LESSONS
- Participants ages 4-6 that are not quite ready for the mainstream team and need parental assistance
- For swimmers that CANNOT swim one length of the pool unassisted.
- Swimmers registered for this division will be instructed by their parents, in a lane alongside a normal swim team practice, until at which time they can successfully swim one length unassisted & move up to the main swim team level under the direction of PW Coaches.
- Swimmers registered in this division cannot swim with any flotation aids and MUST have a parent/adult guardian in the pool with them at all times - NO EXCEPTIONS.
VOLUNTEERS: Volunteers are crucial to running a swim event - practice or meet we need your help!!
- Every family is REQUIRED to volunteer a minimum of two times per registered swimmer. If three swimmers are registered in a family, that family is required to fill six volunteer slots.
- We will have lots more opportunities for parents to help and we encourage you to do so.
- Spectators are designated to specific areas at each pool and spots are limited. We encourage families to sign up to volunteer to get up close and personal with the team.
- A team Sign Up Genius link is available for volunteer roles for all swim team events.
- CLICK HERE to sign up for your required volunteer slots.
- Failure to fulfill your required volunteer slots will result in swimmer's loss of participation for the 2025 Championship Meet.
- Admin Crew: Jennifer Buffett, Lindsay Hawthorne, Jessica McGuire, Dana Wascher & Katie Webb
- Coaches: Jennifer Buffett, Chris McGuire & Jason Wascher
- Jr. Coaches: TBD
- Team Shirt: Included with registration for participants.
- Team Suits: ALL swimmers will be required to wear a Waves team suit (current or past season) for swim meets. Visit SWIM OUTLET to place your order at anytime, or wait and order with the team in May. Suit prices are subject to the current published prices at the time of order.

PERSONAL BEST SCHOLARSHIP: The PBS is granted to one swimmer per age group, who achieves the most Personal Best Times. The PBS recipients for the 2025 season are:
6U Winner: Ryleigh Webb
7/8 Winner: Griffin McGuire
9/10 Winner: Jackson Burkhart
11/12 Winner: Ian Aguilera
13/14 Winner: Tatenda Mandiveyi
15/18 Winner: Colin Wascher
SWIMATHON: The 2025 event will take place on June 21st. Swimathon is a fundraiser in which swimmers can raise money for their team by swimming lengths of the pool. Swimmers have a two-hour period to swim a maximum of 200 lengths. Participants get pledges from businesses, family, neighbors, etc. prior to swimming. Some choose to get pledges and money prior to swimming while others get pledges per length and collect the money following the Swimathon. This is one of our most favorite events and a real team party. In addition to watching and cheering on our Waves swimmers, we will pull out the big BBQ grill and parents can feast while our kiddos impress us all with their skills and determination. Popsicles will be available all night long for our participating swimmers. Following their swim, our team will be treated to pizza as we know they will have worked up quite an appetite! Our team will be divided into two swimming groups for the event: 4:30-6:30pm and 6:45-8:45pm. Coaches will be splitting kids based on ability to keep a consistent flow in the water.
- Planters Walk Waves Swim Team Facebook Group
- BAND app Team Group
- Team Email
- ACTIVE swim portal - registration / swim meet RSVP
- Just Swim Charlotte youth swim league
- What to Expect at a Swim Meet
- The Sharpie Process
- Waves Team Records
- 2025 Season Volunteer Sign Ups
** Don't let financial needs stop you from swim team.
For financial need based questions, please email us at info@planterswalkswimteam.com
for a confidential conversation.
Questions? EMAIL US

All swim team events will function under CDC guidance for Aquatic Venues & Youth Sports and any current NC County/State restrictions.
We ask for everyone's support, patience and cooperation as we all navigate these challenging times.
If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to us.
Planters Walk Waves Swim Team Past Seasons