Planters Walk Pool
Planters Walk HOA issued new pool fobs in 2022. Any pool fobs received prior to 2022 will no longer be activated and can be thrown away. Fobs are required upon entry to the pool. Lifeguards will not manage the entry gate and will not open the gate for patrons.
Any resident in need of a new pool fob must contact Hawthorne Management. Requests will be processed and pool fobs will be mailed. Please allow up to two (2) weeks for delivery. *Rental tenants must have official authorization on file with Hawthorne from the homeowner/management company granting permission for the tenant to receive a fob. This is important as the pool fob is considered property of the home.
The cost of a pool fob is $40. To order a fob, log in to your Hawthorne Management homeowner web portal at https://hawthornemgmt.com. Under the “pay assessments” tab, click “misc item payments”. When purchasing, please state in the notes section if this is your 1st fob, 2nd fob or if this is a replacement. No more than two (2) fobs will be activated for any address at a given time. Owners should also download the Pool Fob Form and submit it to admin@hawthornemgmt.com.
All homeowner accounts must be in good financial standing. Accounts with a balance will need to bring their account current prior to fob activation. Activations are handled during regular weekday hours of 9am-5pm.
Forward any questions regarding your fob to the pool committee at pool@planterswalkhoa.com
OPENING DAY - May 18, 2024 at 10am
The pool will will have modified hours of operation weekdays while CMS is still in session.
Visit the Planters Walk Event calendar for daily pool hours, special HOA events, swim team events and any closures.
To download copy of the pool rules, CLICK HERE
The Planters Walk pool is available to use for all Planters Walk residents, owners and renters, whom are considered in good standing with the Planters Walk HOA & Hawthorne Management. The Pool Manager and Lifeguards through Carolina Pool Management (CPM), Hawthorne Management, and the Planters Walk HOA Board of Directors & Pool Committee have the authority to enforce all rules and ensure the safety of all patrons - members and guests – which can include fines, suspension of pool privileges and immediate removal from pool grounds for individuals and/or entire households. Violators will be told to leave the pool grounds immediately. Any disagreement should be taken to management. The lifeguards are employed to enforce the rules, not to interpret them. Limit all conversations with the lifeguards while they are on duty. The lifeguards are there for your protection, not for socializing. The Lifeguards are the authority at the pool and they are to be respected and treated with kindness, as they are employed to oversee the safety of our pool. Management reserves the right to update the Pool Rules at any time throughout the pool season without prior notice.
Starting June 10th, the pool will be open daily from 10am – 9pm unless otherwise posted. See HOA calendar on the community website for revised hours when CMS is in session, special events at the pool, closures for swim team meets/events and any other schedule revisions.
Appropriate swim attire (bathing suits/trunks/jammers, etc.) are to be worn in the pool. No cutoffs, sweaty gym/workout clothing, thong suits, or underwear will be permitted. Swimmers must be in swim attire to enter the pool. Street clothes (t-shirts, shorts, pants, socks, shoes, etc) are not allowed for swimming. Please adhere to the proper swim attire for sanitary purposes. Failure to comply will result in not being allowed to enter the pool. Lifeguards have the final authority on swim attire. Any patron in violation may be asked to leave the pool until proper swim attire is worn.
- Two (2) lifeguards will be on duty during peak visitation times. Otherwise one (1) lifeguard will be on duty.
- Lifeguards are the authority of the pool – no questions.
- No Lifeguard = No Swim.
- No swimming before and/or after pool hours. CMPD will be contacted for violations and pool privileges will be terminated.
- Anyone on the Pool / Playground property after 11pm may be cited for trespassing.
- Hours and dates are subject to change depending on usage and availability of lifeguards.
The last ten (10) minutes of each hour are called SWIM BREAK and all patrons under the age of 18 years must exit the water. This time is reserved for the lifeguards to check the chemicals in both the main and baby pools, as well as any other needed pool maintenance.
The Planters Walk Waves summer swim team is open for all Planters Walk youth ages 4-18. Participants must be able to swim one length of the pool unassisted, without any flotation devices. The swim team competes against other Steele Creek area teams in the Just Swim Charlotte summer swim league. Practices are Tuesday and Thursday evenings, as well as Saturday mornings. Registration is open through May 19th. NO late registrations will be accepted. To find out more about the swim team and register online CLICK HERE.
- Pool fobs will be activated for addresses which are in good financial standing with Hawthorne Management.
- Food and drink (including alcohol) are permitted. No glass containers allowed.
- No drinking or drinks allowed while in the water. All beverages must be kept up on the pool deck.
- Please clean up your area as you leave.
- The office and pump room are for approved personnel use only – NO OTHERS will be allowed.
- Absolutely NO RUNNING.
- No riding bikes, scooters, skateboards, or any other type of wheeled recreational toys.
- All swimmers are encouraged to shower before using the pool.
- Parents should remind their children to use the bathroom before swimming.
- No pets are allowed inside the pool gates or are to be tied to the fence, or left unattended on pool grounds.
- No rough play. No abusive or objectionable language will be permitted.
- Behavior deemed unacceptable by the staff will be subject to discipline, with possible removal from pool grounds.
- Hand sanitation stations will be available for use throughout the facility.
- A telephone is located in front of the women’s restroom for emergency purposes only.
- Both a First Aid kit and AED are located on the grounds in case of an emergency.
- Each member is expected to abide by all posted signs and lifeguard instructions.
- No diving anywhere into the pool. All jumps must be feet first.
Teens ages 13-17 are permitted to attend the pool without adult supervision.
Youth ages 12 or younger are not permitted to attend the pool alone and must attend with adult or an approved sibling ages 16-17 yrs. Siblings aged 16-17 yrs are allowed to bring up to two (2) siblings ages 5-12 yrs. It is recommended that adults/older siblings stay within a reasonable distance of those who cannot touch the bottom of the pool or cannot swim.
**Floatation devices are not a substitution for adult supervision.
Adult(s) must accompany all children 5 and younger. Children should not use the pool without proper supervision. It is recommended that adults stay within a reasonable distance of those children who cannot touch the bottom of the pool or cannot swim. ** Floatation devices are not a substitution for adult supervision.
Available for children five (5) years and younger; those still in diapers must wear swim diapers (no regular diapers). Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times as the lifeguards DO NOT guard the kiddie pool.
Non-resident caregivers must be 18 or older and caring for resident children, not to exceed four (4) children total
Resident households are entitled to up to four (4) free guests PER DAY. No additional guests will be permitted. Teens between the ages of 13-17 (without an adult present) may bring only one (1) guest between the ages of 13-17 with them at any time. Planters Walk residents are responsible for ensuring their guests adhere to the pool rules. Resident pool privileges may be subject to review and possible termination for guest violations. Guests between 4-25 people are considered a pool party and will be charged as such.
Residents in good standing with the HOA may request to host a party at the pool during regular pool hours. Parties are limited to 25 attendees - that includes swimmers and non swimmers. Parties are scheduled through CPM Lifeguards, and MUST be scheduled 14 days in advance. Parties requested with less than a 14 day notice may not be approved. No parties during holiday weekends or on July 4th. Pool parties are granted upon the availability of additional staff for the safety of all patrons. To learn more and/or to schedule a pool party, CLICK HERE.
Any damage to the pool/pool property by a resident (or guest of a resident) will be charged to the resident. Homeowner accounts will be billed the amount charged to the HOA for repairs and/or replacement of damaged items. It is the duty and responsibility of all members, their children, and their guests to adhere to and encourage compliance with these rules. Privileges at the pool will be revoked until the invoice for damages has been paid in full.
The lifeguards, CPM, Hawthorne Management and the Planters Walk HOA/Pool Committee reserve the right to close the pool at anytime due to weather-related concerns. At the first sound of thunder the pool will be closed for 30 minutes. Once no thunder has been heard for 30 minutes, patrons may return to the water. If during the 30 minute countdown thunder is heard again, the 30 minute countdown clock resumes. At the first sight of lightening the pool will be closed for 30 minutes. Once no lightening has been spotted for 30 minutes, patrons may return to the water. If during the 30 minute countdown lightening is spotted again, the 30 minute countdown clock resumes. During a lightening time-out, all patrons and pool staff MUST remain under the shelter. ** At any time the staff deems necessary for safety, the pool may be closed indefinitely due to weather.
Management has the expectation that all patrons and their guests familiarize themselves with the current pool rules. Violators will be given ONE warning. At the second warning (even violation of a different rule) the offender(s) will be told to leave the premises.
Confrontations with lifeguards and/or other patrons will result in CMPD being called to the pool to resolve the issue. Management reserves the right to terminate pool privileges for repeat offenders.