Links of Interest
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
Crime in Charlotte
Mecklenburg County Live Police, Fire, and EMS Scanners
North Carolina Sex Offenders Registry - locate any sex offenders in your neighborhood
City Data.com - all sorts of statistics
CMC Pineville Hospital - Hwy 51 & Park Rd. - (704) 379-5000
Presbyterian Hospital - 200 Hawthorne Lane - (704) 384-4000
Carolinas Medical Center - 1000 Blythe - (704) 355-2000
Piedmont Medical Center - Rock Hill, SC - (803) 329-1234
Public Service
Duke Energy - (800) 777-9898
City of Charlotte (Water/Sewer) - (704) 336-2211
Piedmont Natural Gas - (704) 525-3882
Spectrum- (704) 377-9600
AT&T - (888) 757-6500
Charlotte-Mecklenburg - 311
Steele Creek Public Library - (704) 416-6800
Winget Park Elementary - (980)343-1063
Kennedy Middle School - (980) 343-5540
Southwest Middle School - (980) 343-5006
Palisades High School - (980) 343-0878
GreyCrest - http://greycresthoa.com/
Hartwell - http://hartwellhoa.org/
Huntington Forest - https://wdm.cincweb.com/?a=hforest
Neely Glen - http://neelyglenhoa.org/default.aspx
Steele Creek - http://steelecreekhoa.org/
The Crossings - http://www.thecrossingshoa.com/
Waterlyn - http://www.waterlyncommunity.com/