Pets & Animal Care
Planters Walk community has eight (8) dog bag/waste stations throughout the community. These stations were added for residents to aid in pet waste removal to help maintain the cleanliness of our community. Please be considerate of your neighbors and our common grounds by cleaning up after your pet. For questions/comments regarding the Pet Stations, please contact admin@hawthornemgmt.com.
Animal Care & Control Division of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department is committed to protecting the safety of citizens and animals within our community. With goals such as to create partnerships within the community in order to promote responsible pet ownership, decrease the overpopulation of domestic pets through spay-neuter programs, and to place adoptable animals in good homes, the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County have strict leash laws that apply to all animals except cats (see the nuisance animal section for laws pertaining to cats). Violations of the leash laws can be subject to stiff penalties/fines ranging from a $50 citation up to a $500 citation and permanent seizure of the animal for a fifth violation.
For information on Charlotte Mecklenburg's Animal Care & Control regulations and Pet Safety, please CLICK HERE. ALL dog owners that take their dogs for walks in their neighborhoods and/or in public parks (not designated as a dog park) are required to keep their dogs on leash and under physical restraint at ALL TIMES.
To report an animal at large, or any instances of animal safety violations, please call 311.